All Saints' Churchyard Trail
You've scanned QR code 9
Did you know?
You are now standing in the newest area of the churchyard. This end of the churchyard is still and peaceful, well away from the road. Often, people like to sit here quietly and reflect.
Why not try...
To your left is a bench around the bottom of the tree. Sit for a moment. Are there other people in the churchyard who have come to tend the graves of loved ones? How does the environment around you help to make this a peaceful resting place?
Have a look...
Take a look back at all of the places in which you have already walked. Can you take a guess at how many people are actually buried here? Of course, there may also be some others of which no trace remains - stones may have fallen and, centuries ago, written records were not always kept, particularly at times in which many people died suddenly due to epidemics.
What next?
From the bench, walk carefully with the wall on your right until you come to the next path up through the churchyard. Take this path towards the church, then turn right and return to the end of the church where you learnt about the Vicars of Darton. From here, walk away from the church to the end of the path and the steps down into Darton Park. The final QR code will be waiting for you there.
Click here for a recap of your journey so far.